
Tuesday Weekend Wrap-Up!

Happy Tuesday to You!!

This birthday weekend of mine was fun and laid-back! Saturday morning started with a Chick-fil-A breakfast at home, thanks to my thoughtful Kyle.

 He didn't get me an actual gift for my birthday because we took a trip back in late February that was to celebrate both of our birthdays. But breakfast plus a date night counts as extra in my book!! 

We originally had Charleigh's birthday party planned for Saturday morning, but due to like 8 days in a row of rain, we had to reschedule it to the following weekend. Since the rain continued that morning as well, even our plan B of working on the tree house had to be rescheduled for another time. So plan C was to stay home, get some things done inside, and have some fun later in the day.

The girls spent the morning playing outside in the rain with their new rain gear. Still in the market for a good rain coat for Cam and rain boots for both her and Callie, but they were all happy with their new umbrellas. I am so ready for some sunshine days so we can work on our landscaping and porches! The weather has just been so nasty. April Showers!!

Later that day we went out shopping. I picked up some new shoes and new swim suits for the older girls. We have a beach trip planned in just a few weeks, and I wanted to make sure I had some options to choose from for both modesty and quality purposes. Ended up scoring some super cute and modest sets at Belk made by Jessica Simpson. I was surprised! 

After shopping we enjoyed a late lunch out, since we had late-ish dinner plans that evening.

Came home after lunch and our whole family took a much-needed nap while it rained more. It was heavenly. I slept so hard I woke up a good hour after I had planned to, and felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks. Nothin' like a good nap though!!

Saturday night was date night!! 

After all our previous plans had been thrown out the window, Kyle asked me if he could take me out Saturday night with some of our friends to celebrate my birthday. We met up with our friends Dustin & Lauren, and Missy & Paul for some dinner and fun at a local place here, Meat N Greet. 

Lots of laughter, good food, great company, and the rain even let up while we were there so it was a really nice little local evening out!! Kyle had some sort of manly burger and I had a sweet potato with pulled pork. 

I'm tellin' ya, having really good friends that do life the way you do is what makes all the difference in the world, especially with homeschooling!! It is so important to have like-minded people in your life. We just get each other. So thankful for these friends and all the friends I have made throughout  the last two years. I know God sent them to me and I am so grateful!

Missy and Lauren both treated me to a little birthday present, and I love them! Thanks again :)

Sunday morning we went to worship service and the girls had a date planned to go home with my parents for the afternoon.

Love his little baby hands reading his little baby book during worship!! 

Also, Charleigh entertains herself pretty well during church. She doesn't like stickers at all, if you haven't noticed. ;)

My mom got Preston some toys for his car seat (she's been nagging encouraging me to get him some for like two months but I kept forgetting to!). He loves his little toy!! I feel bad for neglecting him of fun for so long ;)

I also came to the conclusion that I am pretty sure that I won't be able to tell this boy No. I just love his little face so much, and I kiss those cheeks about 1000 times a day. can't. get. enough.

 I spent the afternoon working on some things for our final Becoming that is in a week. Sunday night was sunny and gorgeous for a few hours. We went to dinner to Arby's with friends (forgot to take a picture) for a low-key quick meal before heading to the store to buy groceries.

Stuck with our plan to grocery shop on Sunday night together as a family. It is so nice to divide and conquer the store in half the time! 

Monday morning we were up early and out the door to head to our last day of CC! We are changing locations next year to one that is closer to our home, so I am sad to say bye to some of those faces but I'm sure we'll keep in touch. Monday morning was pretty hectic though and I totally sent this text to my friend Aimee who always tells me that she loves how laid back I am and that things don't get to me much. 

(NOT TRUE. I'M CRAZY.) Super behind on things from having so much fun the last 3 weeks. Okay so maybe 7 loads of clean laundry, and they're all sorted by person and folded, but still I am going nuts! Survival mode at its finest. Also, my mornings are now a two-a-day coffee minimum.

The kids all had a pizza party after class let out. 

We even had gluten free pizza for Char so she was a happy girl! 

Preston was exhausted so he cried most of the time but he made up for it in his super long nap when we got home. :) 

Mallory, Callie's teacher, and her kids (my kids good friends) are moving to Florida this summer, so we are super sad to see them go! 

This was a sweet moment I was able to capture of Callie, Madison, and Mariah (who is moving) at the pizza party. 
Rehearsing for Presentation Night!

Tuesday we've got school, riding lessons, errands, then a quick dinner at home before heading back to Co-Op for the girls presentation night. Looking forward to hearing their sweet voices tonight!!

I have a TON of things to do this week aside from school, our end of the year party, Becoming, and Charleigh's birthday party (Lord willin' and the creek don't rise- literally). Making lists and crossing them off like they're my job! Oh right, they are my job. 

Have a great week! Check back in the next couple of days for another In Case You Were Wondering series post, as well as some of my favorite week-night dinner recipes.

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