
In Case You Were Wondering: First Edition

Since I'm a girly girl, I love all things girly. I also love when my girlfriends share things that work for them in the girl department. Things like favorite hair products, cosmetics, books, recipes and more. I'm going to start a little series of this blog called the In Case You Were Wondering Series. If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, feel free to email me any time at coveredingraceandkisses at gmail dot com.

To start things off, I want to share about one of my favorite topics ever: hair products.

Now, just to be transparent here, I must admit, I'm a low-maintenance gal in this department. God gave me naturally straight, fine/thin hair. So really I only have so many options on what to do with my hair each day (aka straight, straight, or straight). Please know, I am SO not *that* girl who always comes around with fab-looking hair. I wish! Maybe when I'm not in the having-babies season of life I will be her, but for now, my great-hair days aren't as often as I'd like. But when I DO get to do my hair, I can tell you, I've definitely shopped around when it comes to certain products for my hair, and others I've just recently discovered but am LOVING them, so I'm going to tell you all about it!

First things first: shampoo & conditioner. Right now I'm using Redken Color Extend for both my shampoo and conditioner.

 In years past, I've gone around six months between getting my hair done. But last fall I decided to go toward the Auburn/brunette family hair color, so I've been going more often. In order to save some money and also save myself some time, I switched to this product in hopes of extending the length of time between hair therapy sessions. ;) So far, I'm pleased. I recently had my hair done, but it wasn't because my color had faded, it was because I wanted to change up the color. So, I feel confident that these products are working!

For after the shower, I recently discovered this gem of a product, the Wet Hair Brush.

 I promise, I found it like a week before my last hair appointment, and even the salon had it. I'm pretty sure they had it before and I never noticed. But with a house of four girls, this brush is a miracle worker!! It never hurts to comb out any tangles, and my girls love how easy it is to brush their wet hair. Seriously a game changer, especially if you have fine hair as well and are used to getting tangles easily. Do yourself a favor and run to Target and get yourself one. You will never use another brush again!!

Again, as a girl with fine hair, I have to be careful about letting it get super flat at the roots. Needless to say, if I have time and on a good hair day, lots of teasing is done to help lift 'em on up to Jesus! To help me with that, I use this Big Sexy Hair Root Pump.

A little goes a long way with this bad boy, so I lightly spray my roots and crown area, and IMMEDIATELY blow it dry and lift it with the round brush. It works immediately. Love. it. Don't know how I went so long with flat hair.

My most recent addition to my hair products is this Living Proof 5-in-1 styling treatment.

LOVE it! My fine-hair girls out there know what I mean when I say usually I can never put any products on my roots, let alone all throughout my hair. This product is great about letting me use it all over and working as I'd hoped. I use about a nickel size in my hands and place it all throughout the length of my hair, as well as some on the roots area. I've used this product both at night with wet hair before bed, and at other times just before drying it. It works great either way.

I only wash my hair every 2 sometimes 3 days. I wish I could say I do this because it is so much better for your hair, and that is part of it, but honestly, I do it because I just don't have time to completely *do* my hair every day from start to finish. Not to mention I have naturally oily skin and product an insane amount of oil in my hair. After going most of my life of having to wash my hair every single day in order to not look homeless, I finally started using baby powder as my go-to product. I used it to absorb the oil and I can honestly say this stuff got me through most of my years in high school, bangs and all. But thankfully, the good Lord above let there be dry shampoo. And all God's fine-haired girls said Amen.

I've used TONS of dry shampoo products, from the expensive stuff to the $2.50/bottle stuff. Right now my absolute favorite is this Bastite in the Tropical scent.

First of all, it works great. Second, it smells like you just stepped foot into a pina colada. Amazing. It mentally takes me to Hawaii every time. Perfect for these Spring/Summer days!!

I try to wash, dry, and curl my hair on day 1, then sleep on it with an elastic hair band that won't leave a dent like these:

Then on day two, I wake up and spray it with the dry shampoo, brush it out, and am free to style it anyway I need to. It looks, feels and cooperates even better than it did on day one every time. 

End of Day 2 hair. Not bad considering underneath it is nothing but oily, flat hair!

The key to having great hair on day 2 and 3 for me is using those products throughout the length of my hair on day one! It makes a world of a difference. 

Day 3, I only need to apply about half the amount of dry shampoo. This day I can usually wear my hair up and it has lots of volume and is very easy to tease because it has great texture. Sometimes if I didn't sleep too rough on it the night before I can even get away with re-styling it with the curling or flat iron and wearing it down again. To me, as a busy mama of four, this is like winning the lottery! Love it when I get an extra day of wearing my hair down and it took no longer than 10 minutes total. 

For a wet hair/wavy look, I just started using sea-salt spray in my hair at night before I throw it into a bun. I'm going to keep playing with this style and see if I can perfect it before I share all the products that go into it. So far, I'm having a hard time getting my hair to fully air dry at night when it is pulled up tight in a bun. So when I take it down the next day, it is partially wavy and the rest is wavy but wet, so when it air dries, it dries straight. Not the look I was going for ;)

Well, so far, that's all I've got in this First Edition of In Case You Were Wondering.

Wondering about anything else? Ask me in the comments section or email me. I realize I'm not that interesting at all, but if you're anything like me, it is always fun getting some tips on good products without having to risk wasting your money up front! 

Hope you all have a fab hair day!!

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