
Our Days of This Week

HAPPY FRIDAY! Well, happy end of your Friday, anyway!

Hope you are home relaxing with wonderful visions of Saturday sweetness dancing in your head.

I wanted to wrap up our week real quick before I went in full-throttle to my Birthday weekend. I'm already looking forward to the memories I'll be making the next two days. :)

To help me remember how I'm spending these ordinary week days of life, I want to do a recap of them at the end of each week. I'm a big believer in how the every day's are really what make the biggest impact in your life. You know... how the Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday's of each week are the least favorite and hardly ever mentioned as being important. But, that's when the magic of the mundane happens! Those are the days that lead to all the childhood memories that my kids will most likely have when they grow up. So, I want to start writin' em down!

This week was another off-schedule one, as we had our Seattle family in town visiting so we got to go have a few fun days with them. :)

So we spent Tuesday with them, as you can read about here in my Tuesday Weekend Wrap-Up .

On Wednesday they met us at my parent's house and we took them out on the golf cart for some adventures!

exploring a creek off the cart path

We went to one of the "lakes" in town (some call it a lake, some call it a pond... either way there are fishin' docks :) ).

 The girls loved having their older cousins run all over the place with them, pointing at fish and looking at the crazy "chicken" walking around with the geese.

It wasn't raining, but it was cloudy, so the pictures aren't as lovely as I'd hoped but I'm still thankful for some smiling kiddos!

On our way toward some shopping and dinner, one of the golf carts ran out of juice so Joe and Jared volunteered to push it up each hill as the battery started dying. 

Thankfully we made it to my parents' business which was nearby, so we could charge it back up. While we were there, Jared and Logan also enjoyed getting to drive around the golf cart in the parking lot. It was quite entertaining. :)

Camryn spent the afternoon with her sweet friend who was in town from Connecticut, and they went to see the movie Home and out to dinner before meeting back up with us. These girls are both so sweet and I love that they get to have a little visit each Summer or when she comes to visit her grandparents in Georgia!

After all the golf cart and Cam's return, we all went to eat dinner at Ted's Montana Grill. We love it there and hardly ever go since we have so many kids and can't fit in a booth anymore (ha! true story). 
wearing his daddy's hat. So sweet!

After dinner, we went our separate ways after grabbing a free cookie at the cookie store. Thanks, #taxday.

Thursday was very much a normal day for us. 

She is so his boss. 

We stayed home and in pajama's all day. It was rainy, cold, and we needed a day to catch up on school work, normal sleep and nap times. 

We ended the day by grilling out and going to bed early. Ideal.

Friday was my birthday! I ended up meeting Kristyn and her kids for lunch and chat time at Chick-fil-A while the kids played. It was so fun we forgot to take a picture. Thankfully, being the great friend that she is, Kristyn ended up swinging by on her way somewhere to stop for a quick picture. Only because it was my birthday and I needed to prove I wasn't alone all day. And because she's just so nice like that. 

Good friends don't let friends go without a birthday picture!! Love her!

Ya'll, I have good friends. Like, SUCH good friends. I am so richly blessed!! Had a great time and loved getting to catch up!! So looking forward to our long days of summer at the pool together that are in our near future!!!!!

Friday night, after naps, the girls were treated to a special trip to Monkey Joes by Aunt Tammy :) They loved getting to run around like crazy and have special attention from Tammy and the boys.

We had to reschedule Charleigh's birthday party that was originally scheduled for Saturday morning, due to all of the crazy rain. So, after MJ's we all went to Red Robin for a birthday dinner for myself and Charleigh. Char and I were spoiled with gifts! I will recap her gifts on her birthday post in a week, but I am pumped about mine!!

A Garmin (that I've been wanting forever!), perfume, and a gift card to Ulta!!  Love!!!! 

Good food, great company, and a whole lot of laughter :) Said our goodbyes outside in the rain but managed to take a few more pics before heading out.

Notice Cam's addition of bunny ears behind us :)
Look closely for more bunny ears :)

We will miss our cousins! We are hoping to squeeze in a trip out there sometime next year, maybe in the Fall.

After dinner, we ran to Target for the fastest Target run I've ever had. Walked in and they were closing in 15 minutes, but I was desperate to get the girls some rain coats and boots! Thankfully we knocked it out fast, and even had some fun in the parking lot along the way. 

These are our "It's 9:45 and almost 2 hours past bedtime but WE'RE GOIN TO TARGET!" faces. :)

Perfect ending to my birthday. Love my family so much!!

Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, dry weekend ahead!!!

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