
Of course...

Of course, as soon as I get the blog up and running, I would have a set back. My laptop battery died and I had to order a new one. I'm not a fan of writing posts on my phone, but I am committed to keeping things current this go around, so the phone it is!

As I mentioned before, Tuesday was a great day for us. Most of the high points being that Preston slept all night and Callie started Pre-K. Well, that all night deal with Preston has proven to be a big ole tease. I think he has hit a growth spurt instead, and the rest of the week he woke to eat every 3 hours at night, and nearly every 2-2.5 hours during the days. He has visibly grown longer and seems bigger practically overnight! I plan to start writing up weekly/monthly posts on his little life as soon as I get my computer running again.

Pre-K on the other hand has turned out to be great! Callie's first week was wonderful and she is so happy. I know she just loves it! The other kids and I have spent the mornings while she is away just working around the house, preparing things for homeschool to start back full-time next week, and Co-Op the week after. I am really looking forward to when our Co-Op starts meeting again. Having friends to do life with when it comes to homeschooling is what makes all the difference in the world for me! I just love the friendships we have made there and the true sense of community we have there. 

Charleigh hit her face on the corner of a shelf at the pediatrician's office on Monday, and she has quite the shiner from it. Poor baby! Hard to tell in these pics but it looks pretty rough in person. 

This weekend we are organizing our basement! We hope to finish renovating the basement late this year or early next, but in the mean time are setting up a fun play room in one of the rooms down there for the kids to play during Preston's naps (since he is such a light sleeper!), and when friends come over, so the grown ups can all hang out without being interrupted constantly. I'm really looking forward to having it done! So tomorrow we are getting rid of some things we have down there currently, and I'm planning on selling our extra sofa & two dining chairs as well. I REALLY need to
take down our Christmas stuff. I've been avoiding it. I want it to be out but I just have so much other stuff going on. I may try to work on that this weekend as well. I'm giving myself no later than next week to get it down. Thankfully I've seen other houses still have their outdoor decorations up, so I don't feel as behind :) 

That is only our real plans made for this weekend, not a whole lot going on and I LOVE it. 

Funny story. Those who have been in touch with me in person know that I've been binge watching Gilmore Girls since Preston was 3 days old. I watch them at night and during nap time feedings. Well I just started season 7. I've become way too attached to this show (always happens when I binge-Read or watch a show), and I've started getting confused at things that I've seen in real life with things I saw on the show. was at a Becoming meeting last Sunday and we were going over decor ideas, and I could've sworn I knew someone who had a prop we could use, as I had JuST been to their house and seen it in their living room but for the life of me could not remember who it was. After pondering on  it for a few minutes, it hit me. It was something from Lorelei Gilmore's living room. Pathetic and hilarious.
Then last night I had a dream about them. I won't get into details so I don't spoil the show for any other GG Netflix binge watchers right now, but just know I completely combined Stars Hollow & real life into my dream. Sigh. What ever will I do when I'm done with the show!

On another (non pathetic) note, Monday night is the January Becoming event, Becoming New. 

I am going to be featured in the video testimony this month and I'm looking forward to sharing a special story of how God renewed my faith in Him and helped me re-dedicate my life being fully, wholeheartedly committed to Him. If any of my local friends are interested in coming, it's Monday night at 6:30! We are donating toiletries for women and children to Promise Place this month.  Get in touch with me for directions and more info on how to donate :) I'm definitely blogging about our monthly Becomings. Such an inspiring and motivating event!! I really am so blessed to be a part of God's plan for that in His kingdom. I feel honored to be a vessel for Him to work through me through Becoming. It has absolutely changed my life already. So so thankful!! 

Today we are having a PJ day at home. I'm desperately trying to finish laundry (whoo! Almost done!) and the girls are playing and planning their weekly Friday night sleepover. Every Friday Callie and Camryn have a spend the night party in one of their rooms. They get to stay up an hour later and have a treat before watching a movie together. They get an hour or two of quiet hang out time before that in Cam's room if there is time, too. Even though there are four years between them, they really are best friends. I am cherishing this because I know it won't always be this way! The dreaded teen years of sister fights lie ahead, but for now I'm doing as much as I can to nourish the friendship they have together. 

I hope everyone stays warm this weekend, and for New Years Resolutions' sake, I hope you're all very productive! Haha :) Happy Friday!! 

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