
A New Place to Call Home

In the words of my very own mother...

As some reading this may know, In Grace & Kisses is not my first attempt at documenting my thoughts and the occasional story of my children's lives. I've started and stopped. And started again. And stopped again. I can honestly say this (one time) is actually not because of commitment issue. This I know for sure, I'm more of a creative thinker. Not to say that I am not smart, I'm just more creative than I am brainy. The problem with my being creative is that I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my creativity.

The truth is, I stopped writing because I couldn't stand the actual design/look of my blog.

This sounds so silly. It IS so silly. But hey! If you're going to blog, you have to fully accept and acknowledge that the visual is 95% part of the fun for the reader. And I never felt like the visuals associated with my blog previously were a true representation of me and my personality.

So I decided I would just have someone design one for me.

The second problem, and next reason for going so long before writing again: I'm extremely indecisive. The first part of having someone design your blog for you is to tell them what you like. But I like EVERYthing! I can tell you tons about what I don't like, but I could never narrow down my personality to one single "look" to represent myself forever and ever, amen. I mean, I don't even have a favorite color for cryin' out loud. I have a lot of favorite colors, my most favorite color being straight up glitter.

So, this delayed my writing process for quite some time, because I just couldn't get past the borrowed templates from the blogs around the corner, or whatever those sites are called.

Also, blogging, to me, is an easy way for me to document my thoughts and the all the little details of my every day life. For some it is time consuming, but I'll be straight up with ya'll. As much as I would love a custom made beautifully designed blog, I just don't have the time for that yet. I've let that exact decision hold me back from continuing to blog for far too long now, and I'm tired of caring about it so much that I end up not documenting a cool memory of the kids because of it. I still want to get a pretty look, but for now I plan on just sitting down and typing it all up, and pressing the publish button instead. I can tell you, there will be little, if any, editing done beforehand. I also tend to make spelling and grammar mistakes, and I like to use smiley faces. A LOT. So just a warning for all you teachers reading this! Pretend I'm a brilliant writer instead!

I will probably end up writing mostly about my kids, homeschooling them, all of the "firsts" for our newest baby boy Preston, including the Home Birth I had with him, and probably some of the funny stories of things that happen to me along the way. I can assure you, I do NOT plan on writing any "__ reasons you should ___" or anything even close to it. There are plenty of those things all over Pinterest as it is. 

 what???!!!!! Is this really necessary?!?!
 (sorry for the crude humor but ya'll know this is crazy!)

I also will try to keep my blog upbeat and positive. I want it to be a place I can come back to and show to my children, and it not bring up or remind me of every little trial life throws our way. I want this to be like a digital scrapbook, with details written along the way. :) 

If none of the topics listed above interest you, then this is your chance to run for the hills, my friends! No offense will be taken. Just don't slam the door on the way out ;)

Thanks for reading!! 

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