
JUNE Re-cap!

Happy Summer!!

We have been having so much fun and go-with-the-flow days that I've been on a little summer break from writing it all down. Lately in the back of my mind I kept thinking how I need to start noting all of the memories we're making so I can remember them forever!

Since our Summer "break" first started around mid-May, we have been on vacation, stayed busy with friends at the pool, celebrated Kyle and all the Dad's in our lives, have been staying up way too late (and sleeping in!) and eating out for dinner way too much. It has just been so nice to take advantage of the late daylight hours and enjoy patio dinners or even just a quick trip for FroYo.

We kicked off the week leading up to Memorial Day by spending the week at the BEACH! We had SO much fun and it was truly a wonderful vacation away. I'm going to write about that trip in a separate post- too many fun days to squeeze into one paragraph!

Preston turned 6 months old on May 20th, and has really plumped up lately!! He is SO LONG, like 97th percentile, so it seemed like the last several months he just kept getting longer but was taking a little while to fill out. Well, that situation is changing rapidly and I'm even more inlove! :)

Early June we had family portraits taken by the most talented photographer I've ever known, Paige Overturf!! Paige is especially known for her wedding photography, and many of her weddings have been featured in The Knot magazine and website. She is the younger sister of one of my closest friends, Lauren, and happened to be in town visiting for about a week. I have tried to book with her a few times, but due to mostly scheduling issues on our end, we haven't been successful in having a session with her until now! I couldn't be more pleased. The pictures are absolutely perfect and I am so looking forward to framing them all over our home. These are some of my favorite shots...

Camryn left mid-June for a week at church camp! This was her very first year going solo. Usually I am there as a camp counselor, so she's always been but technically was a counselor's kid instead of an actual camper. Well, this year she was 9 and mama had a baby (well, make that a baby +2 ) to take care of, so off she went all by herself!! She had SUCH  a great time, made so many memories that she is still bringing up daily, and I know she grew even closer to Christ in her daily walk with the Lord. So thankful for that camp and all the good works it does every year for young people all over.

Cam was so happy to have her best friend, Sarah, join her at camp for the week!!

We're wrapping up the month this week with vacation bible school, getting ready for the Fourth of July plans, and summer house projects!! I've got a list I'm working on completing by the end of the summer, before Co-Op and our main curriculum (classical conversations) begin. It is hard to find a balance between summer projects and lazy summer days filled with swimming and movies! ;) I am praying I can get it all done!

Coming up soon... July GOALS, a post about our family vacation, an update on just Preston in his first year and my favorite summer recipes for July!

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